What Can My Daughter Expect From The Academy?

Hill Country Volleyball Academy is a fundamental-based program. Participants will be taught proper technique that will help them experience a lifetime of Volleyball enjoyment and achievement. Practices are serious and participants are expected to work hard, improve and have a great time. There are no tryouts for the Academy; all interested girls will be accepted on a “first-come, first-served basis”.

Does My Daughter Have To Attend A Particular School To Participate In The Academy?

No. There is no restriction as to which school she attends.

How Do I Guarantee a Spot in a Season for my daughter?

The only way to guarantee a spot is to register online and pay in full.  Once we reached our limit, we will close registration for that session.

What Happens After I Register?

You will receive a confirmation email. Then, all you have to do is have your daughter at the gym on the first day, ready to play volleyball!

If a session is full, can my daughter be placed on a waiting list?

Yes. If a session is full, please email us with your interest and you will be placed on a waiting list in the order received.

What Should My Daughter Wear to the Academy?

Athletic shoes, knee pads and athletic clothing is recommended.  Spandex is optional.